Peer-reviewed Publications
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Kumar CG, Yiran Dong, Pan-Jun Kim, Gary J. Olsen, Isaac K.O. Cann, Roderick Mackie, Bruce W. Fouke, and Nathan D. Price. H. sulfidaeris: metabolic strategy unites hydrothermal vents and subsurface arenite rocks. To be submitted.
Halomonas sulfidaeris-dominated microbial community inhabits a 1.8 km-deep subsurface Cambrian Sandstone reservoir. Dong Y, Kumar CG, Chia N, Kim PJ, Miller PA, Price ND, Cann IK, Flynn TM, Sanford RA, Krapac IG, Locke RA 2nd, Hong PY, Tamaki H, Liu WT, Mackie RI, Hernandez AG, Wright CL, Mikel MA, Walker JL, Sivaguru M, Fried G, Yannarell AC, Fouke BW. Environ Microbiol. 2014 Jun; 16(6):1695-1708.
Multisite haplotype on cattle chromosome 3 is associated with quantitative trait locus effects on lactation traits.
Cohen-Zinder M, Donthu R, Larkin DM, Kumar CG, Rodriguez-Zas SL, Andropolis KE, Oliveira R, Lewin HA. Physiol Genomics. 2011, 43:1185-1197.
Functional annotation of novel lineage-specific genes using co-expression and promoter analysis. Kumar CG, Everts RE, Loor JJ, Lewin HA. 2010. BMC Genomics 11:161.
The genome sequence of taurine cattle: a window to ruminant biology and evolution. Bovine Genome Sequencing and Analysis Consortium. 2009. Science 324:522-528.
Discovery and characterization of 91 novel transcripts expressed in cattle placenta. Kumar C.G., J.H. Larson, M.R. Band, and H.A. Lewin. 2007. BMC Genomics 8:113
Discovery of eight novel divergent homologs expressed in cattle placenta. Larson J.H., C.G. Kumar, R.E. Everts, C.A. Green, A. Everts-van der Wind, M.R. Band and H.A. Lewin. 2006. Physiological Genomics 25: 405-413.
A 7872 cDNA microarray and its use in bovine functional genomics. Everts R.E., M.R., Band, Z.L. Liu, C.G. Kumar, L. Liu, J.J. Loor, R. Oliveira and H.A. Lewin. 2005. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 105:235-45.
ESTIMA, a tool for EST management in a multi-project environment. Kumar C.G., R. LeDuc, G. Gong, L. Roinishivili, H.A. Lewin and L. Liu. 2004. BMC Bioinformatics 5:176.
Comparative mammalian genomics and adaptive evolution: divergent homologs and novel genes in the cattle genome. Lewin H.A., J.H. Larson and C.G. Kumar. 2004. In, S. Wasser (ed.), Evolutionary Theory and Processes: Modern Horizons, Kluwer, pp. 139-152
Annotated expressed sequence tags and cDNA microarrays for studies of brain and behavior in the honey bee. Whitfield C.W., M.R. Band, M.F. Bonaldo, C.G. Kumar, L. Liu, J.R. Pardinas, H.M. Robertson, M.B. Soares and G.E. Robinson. 2002. Genome Research 12:555-566.